Trimble Precision Ag Equipment works in all cabs, without color discrimination

With four displays to choose from and steering options for almost any farm vehicle, Trimble has an fit for your farm and budget.  Rate control. section control, and variable rate is available for most sprayers, spreaders, and air seeders.  Vary your nitrogen rates automatically with GreenSeeker optical sensors.  Accuracy levels range from WAAS to RTK.  So instead of jumping from one brand of display in one vehicle and then another in the next vehicle , call Vantage America West to find a Trimble solution that will fit in all your vehicles, no matter which color.

​Trimble Displays


GFX 750 Display Front Runscreen 0002.png


​Trimble Steering


Trimble EZ-Pilot AutoPilot Motor Drive

AutoPilot Motor Drive

Combines the high performance of AutoPilot with the easy installation of the EZ-Pilot



Better performance than EZ-Steer. Great value and doesn’t require hydraulic installation.

AutoPilot steeringwheel


Top of the line steering. Most powerful and yet smoothest steering

Trimble EZ-Steer


Lowest cost option, adapts to almost any vehicle

EZ-Pilot Pro

Take the best features from AutoPilot Motor Drive and lower the price: score!

Flow & Application


Correction Sources